Mit Card Counting Movie

admin  3/30/2022

Throughout the film history, there will always be movies with relation to casinos, gambling, and immediate riches for the protagonists… do not be fooled by the stories – after all, it is a movie, it is Hollywood, and it is only 2 ½ hours long more or less, so obviously things seem so much simpler and tempting to achieve.

For instance, let’s start with probably one of the most popular gambling and blackjack movies of our time:

TThe MIT card counting team story. How the MIT Blackjack teams started.

21 (2008)

  1. Inspired by the true story of MIT students who mastered the art of card counting and took Vegas casinos for millions in winnings. Looking for a way to pay for tuition, Ben Campbell.
  2. Card Counter will teach you everything you need to know about Blackjack Card Counting without having to enroll at MIT. Available for iOS and Android.

Even though this movie is based on a true story, it does include Hollywood’s hand in it, which we can with all confidence say they make it look easier than it is, as well as even have blackjack basic errors here and there. So if you are to watch it, do it solely as entertainment, and as a motivational tool while understanding it takes a lot more work and discipline to get where the protagonists got,

The movie basically tells the story of an MIT group of students lead by a professor who was no longer accepted in the Vegas casinos. The professor would then teach these mathematical genius students about card counting and working in teams, and would travel every weekend to Vegas to beat the casinos at Blackjack.

Mit card counting movie

They were caught by greed, and later by the casino’s management, enduring some punishments (even though card counting is not illegal, casinos do not condone it).

Quite an entertaining movie, but not an informational one if that is what you are looking for.

The Hangover (2009)

The movie is a must see for anyone looking for a great comedy or one that captures Las Vegas. The Hangover had a development budget of $35 million which is relatively small for movies today. It grossed over $633 million taking into account box office and movie rentals!


The hangover has a great scene where they card count taking ques from rainman which is another blackjack movie featured on our list. Zach Galifianakis plays the card counter and has a great quote on blackjack card counting: “Gambling? Who said anything about gambling? It’s not gambling when you know you’re gonna win. Counting cards is a foolproof system.”

60 Minutes to Winning Blackjack (2005)

Now if you are looking for an information and instructional movie/video instead of an entertaining Hollywood film, then this is the movie for you. Here you will be lead through the basics of blackjack, playing with confidence and skills, as well as covering some tutorials on card counting, and including some practice exercises too. If you hate reading, this would probably be a good way to start and get some good understanding on blackjack.

Essential Blackjack: A Guide for Players and Dealers (2006)

A good instructional movie on the rules and strategies of the blackjack game, which should leave you ready for the tables either as a player or as a dealer.

Rain Man (1988)

Another Hollywood movie for your entertainment purposes, while sticking with the blackjack theme and game.

Starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman – The movie tells the story of the two brothers, in which Dustin is autistic, with a great memory ability – especially with numbers. Tom takes Dustin to the casinos to play some blackjack and finds great success at counting cards – until they get busted.

Blackjack, Slots, and Craps Winning Strategies (2005)

In the blackjack segment, the movie shows players when to hit, stand and fold, which without the need of card counting will help you with your bankroll management and cash-flow for both offline and online blackjack. It obviously also covers Slots and Craps, such as which machines to play at, how to increase their winning odds, as well as aggressive betting for craps, and when to take a chance at it.

Mit Card Counting Movie

There are a few other blackjack movies both for informational and entertainment purposes, but these are some great titles to start with at the moment.

Related News

Oct 2018

Have you ever heard about MIT Team? This is a well-known group of students from Massachusetts Institute of Technologies who played cards using counting systems with an aim of beating casinos playing blackjack. This team actively operated from 1979 to the beginning of the 21-st century. Functioning of this team became an impetus for other blackjack beating formations. Actually, nowadays there are too many people who successfully use counting method in order to beat casinos and trying to become 'the other' MIT memebers.

Skills and Knowledge

The MIT students did realize that blackjack is one of the games at which you can apply mathematic knowledge and it is one of the games that can be easily beatable. They also used advanced computer models in order to count cards and predict the best strategies for certain situations. Such kind of activity extremely helped them to become proficient players.

MIT Counting

The team constantly went to Las Vegas. Mostly they traveled there in the 1990s (almost every weekend). But later on casinos became able to detect them and started to eject from playing areas without a reasonable explanation. Nevertheless, such phenomenon was a remarkable point in gambling industry and had a lot of positive results for further card counting development.

The MIT strategy approach was based upon the principal that all seats at the blackjack table had to be occupied by the team members who let one of the member win the pot. The team members used small bets and were counting cards. Such strategy helped them make the appropriate decisions at the perfect time. They used a set of code words to inform each other about the cards` count. Here you may see the words which had some hidden meaning:

Tree: +1 (a tall tree)

Switch: +2 (binary, on or off)

Stool: +3 (three legs of a stool)

Car: +4 (four tires)

Glove: +5 (fingers on one hand)

Mit Students Vegas Card Counting Movie

Gun: +6 (six bullets)

Craps: +7 (lucky seven)

Pool: +8 (eight balls)


Mit Card Counting Film

Cat: +9 (cat has nine lives)

Bowling: +10 (strike is ten pins)


Mit Card Counting Movie

Football: +11 (number of players in a football team)


Eggs: +12 (a carton with twelve eggs)

Witch: +13 (bad luck number)

Ring: +14 (fourteen carat gold)

Paycheck: +15 (day of the month most people get paid)

Sweet: +16 (sweet sixteen)

Magazine: +17 (the name of the magazine)

Voting booth: +18 (voting age)

The popular movie '21' has depicted this scheme and some moments of MIT operating in casinos. Watching this film, you will see how a group of professional players that have invented their blackjack counting strategy managed to apply it in real life.

You should know that card counting is not considered to be illegal by casino authorities as a kind of cheating. The matter is that in some casinos you can be ejected in case if you are caught on cheating. It is not a secret that many casinos use special systems oand professional people that can easily detect whether you are cheating or not. So be careful if card counting is your choice.